January 15, 2013

Camp Mix '12 in Review

Camp Mix Twelve in Review

The complete tracklist and break-down is now available to the public! Read it for a rare glimpse of the inner-workings of my mind, and a general summings-up of how much time I really spend on these mixes...

There are many things I am thankful for, not the least of which are my many great friends. If it could only be one thing, Camp Mix is a celebration of summers past and the lasting friendships that have formed out of them...

2013 is upon us. I better finish my final 2012-related post soon, 'else I'll be rolling into back-tracking catch-up mode before too long.

Again, here's the link: Camp Mix Twelve in Review


  1. I was lamenting today, as I often do, that I've been so out of touch with new music lately that I don't know where to begin. This list made me realize I'm not entirely out of touch, and gave me a good number of new albums to explore. Thank you.

  2. Yer welcome. By "this list" I'm guessing you mean the list in the next post, although if Camp Mix helped you find new albums, that's cool too.

    I tend to lament about little things, but brand new music always helps to brighten things.

  3. Well that was an "old person using the internet" mistake... but yes. Both your review and Camp Mix have brought me to new music. Nice little brighteners, they are.
